
How to Do Kegel Exercise for Men

What if we told you there was a workout routine that could vastly improve not only your health, but your sexual performance? And what if we told you that it would take just a few minutes and could be done anywhere?

Male Kegels are the best-kept secret of a men’s sexual health.

What Is a Male Kegel?

‘Who is a Kegel?’ Would perhaps be the more appropriate question.

Arnold Kegel was an Iowa gynecologist and inventor of the Kegel perineometer, an instrument that measures the contraction strength of pelvic floor muscles.

During his research in the 1940s, he also figured out how to exercise the pelvic floor, the muscle set which is now his namesake—which exists in women and men.

The Benefits of Kegels for Men

Like massaging your prostate, doing your Kegels provides an alluring trifecta of health, pleasure and psychological advantages.

Among the benefits are:

  • Relief from urinary incontinence (post-urination dribbling)
  • Improvement of blood flow through the penis (combating erectile dysfunction)
  • Improving sexual stamina with stronger, longer-lasting erections and more intense orgasms

What Equipment You Need

None, but there are sex toys that can help (see below).

However, before you begin you need to locate your PC (pubococcygeus) muscles. When you cut off your stream during urination, the muscles that contract to prevent further urine flow are your PC muscles.

The benefit to Kegels is that they can be done anytime, anywhere—on the couch, at your desk, in the car, even while you’re reading this right now.

How To Do Male Kegels

To prove the aforementioned, let’s practice now.

  1. Relax your body.
  2. Contract your PC muscles, stimulating the feeling of stopping urination, and hold for 5 seconds.
  3. Release your PC muscles and relax for 5 seconds.
  4. Repeate 15 times, three times a day—morning, noon and evening.

Like any new lifestyle habit, male kegels may feel awkward at first. Take it as a sign that you’re working on a new muscle or one that could use some strengthening.

The most important thing to keep in mind during kegel workouts for men is actually flexing your PC muscle and not just your abs, thighs or glutes. Flexing other muscles can relieve the pressure needed on the PC in order for it to engage and grow.

How To Enhance Kegel Workouts

Just like a weightlifting routine, you should start small and build your way up as your muscles become stronger.

Where in weightlifting, you’d increase weight over time, with Kegels you can increase wait over time—holding the PC contraction at longer intervals, 10 or even 20 seconds a rep.

A potentially more effective method to improving male kegels is by using male masturbators. Men’s sex toys, like the F2S stroker, are designed for penile stimulation by delivering deep sonic pulses along with stroking. This combination is great for stronger erections and more intense ejaculation.

f2s lelo male kegelsf2s lelo male kegels

Another benefit of this male stroker in particular is that it comes with app-conectivity, and the app gives users the ability to tailor vibration patterns and intensities unique to PC needs.

Male Kegel Result Time

Like any real workout routine, results come with time and commitment. Every human body responds differently to Kegels, but you should typically see results in 3–6 weeks if you stay up on your routine.

In the early days and weeks, don’t get overanxious looking for results, they will come in time.

As far as we’re concerned, Kegels are the best kept secret when it comes to male sexual health and wellness practices that are as effective as they are easy.

Whether you’re experiencing symptoms of urine incontinence or premature ejaculation, looking to increase your bedroom prowess or all of these, the only remaining question you should have now is – Why not?

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